Research Compliance

This purpose of this site to provide information in the area of radiation safety with regards to policies, procedures, and regulations for Jackson State University. The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for the development and oversight of a comprehensive radiation safety program to ensure the safe handling, storage, use, transfer, and disposal of radioactive materials, and radiation producing devices. The Radiation Safety Committee in correlation with Environmental Health and Safety is established to provide a quality radiation protection program for Jackson State University.

Radiation Safety Committee
Dr. Yadong Li, P.E., Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department 601-979-1093
Dr. Danuta Leszczynska, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department 601-979-1091
Dr. Fengxiang Han, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department 601-979-3487
Dr. Francis Tuluri, Professor, Industrial Systems and Technology Department 601-979-8262
Dr. Remata S. Reddy, Professor, Physics, Atmospheric Sciences and Geoscience Department 601-979-7012
Dr. Ezat Heydari, Physics, Atmospheric Sciences and Geoscience Department 601-979-4230
Dr. Abu O. A. Khan, Physics, Atmospheric Sciences and Geoscience Department 601-979-7012
Mrs. LaShinda Washington, Hazardous Materials Officer & Radiation Safety Officer, Division of Research & Federal Relations 601-979-4315
Institutional Guidelines and Resources
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to review all the proposed research involving human subjects and to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected.
The IRB process is administered through the Research Compliance Unit. Investigators and student researchers are not allowed to solicit human subject participation or begin data collection prior to receiving IRB approval in writing

Research Compliance